Report doping in sport

UK Anti-Doping has a 24-hour confidential phone line to support the fight against doping in sport.
The phone line provides a service for athletes, support personnel, and concerned family or friends to securely pass on information to UK Anti-Doping with guaranteed anonymity. Hosted by Crimestoppers, a dedicated team of trained operators are able to manage calls related to anti-doping. All information provided will be treated in confidence and researched and investigated by UK Anti-Doping. UKAD has added a ‘protection of whistleblowers’ clause to the existing Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs). UKAD will enforce further sanctions against anyone found to have attempted to deter, or retaliate against, someone who suspects and/or reports a doping violation to the authorities.
If you have any information about the use, supply or trafficking of prohibited substances, or suspect someone of doping.
MAKE THE CALL – 0800 032 2332
Information can also be submitted anonymously via